Turned a career corner

 It's been a rush! Armed with the Turboprop rating, new mission types became available. Search. And. Rescue!!! Amazing fun, although I got very frustrated on the first attempt. Flight Simulator 2024 actively encouraged me to land in the middle of nowhere—on sloped terrain—which I messed up.  I landed successfully, but the plane appeared to be stuck in the sand. 

That's a whoops!

Made it down...

Made it back, made it big!

Well, that turned out to be absolutely thrilling. I've done two more of the missions, since. Pays great, tons of XP awarded. 

I got my multi-engine rating. Not too hard! I failed the first time because I prematurely slowed and reduced altitude, unaware that the test was for a single-engine landing. 

Then... well, this is interesting. It initially said "INFINITE XP" was awarded. It then settled on this. Then—for the first time ever—it crashed to the desktop, losing this result and locking me out of replaying the mission. It was super fun, too—tornado chasing!

Lesson: Use the low Idle setting on the Taxi way

I gained a lot of reputation, so I played it safe. I then went on another search-and-rescue mission. Finally, I braved my first Medical Evacuation flight. Amazing. It had the most ATC contact of any mission or flight I've ever made. I kept it reasonably smooth, and actually, I thought the landing was okay. Just one bounce!! 

I may take time to plan my own expedition flights... Watch this space.


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